Predicting Consumer Trends: How AI Forecasts Shopping Behaviors

From chatbots to inventory management, the use of AI in retail continues to grow, but how can brands use AI to understand the desires of shoppers? In a recent guest post with Consumer Goods Technology, Gopal Tadiparthi, Head of ML/AI at Insite AI discusses how AI-driven insights can uncover what consumers want today and what they will be buying tomorrow.

CPGs (Consumer Packaged Goods companies) have access to extensive shopper data from their own sources, third-party panels, macroeconomic reports, social listening insights, and retailer purchasing and loyalty data. AI can analyze this wealth of information to deliver strategic findings on shopper behavior. By leveraging AI, brands can enhance customer segmentation, forecast future shopping behaviors, personalize shopping experiences, conduct sentiment analysis, predict customer churn, and map customer journeys. These capabilities allow brands to optimize their marketing, sales strategies, and product assortments, ultimately leading to improved performance and stronger collaborations with retailer partners.

Key Points:

  • AI and platforms like Walmart Luminate are revolutionizing shopper research by providing deep insights into consumer behaviors.
  • Brands can uncover data on BOPIS usage, brand-switching, pricing, and promotions to predict future shopping trends.
  • CPGs have access to extensive data sources, which AI can analyze to deliver strategic findings on shopper behavior.
  • AI helps brands enhance customer segmentation, personalize shopping experiences, and conduct sentiment analysis.
  • Leveraging AI in shopper research allows brands to optimize marketing strategies, improve product performance, and strengthen retailer collaborations.

AI Washing: Top 5 Questions To Separate Substance From Hype

Interestingly, the AI washers tend not to be small technology companies but rather larger consultancies

A concerning trend is emerging: Some large companies are engaging in “AI washing” – promoting themselves as having powerful AI capabilities when they actually have little to no real AI software or knowhow.

As this Forbes Tech Council article, Insite AI CEO Shaveer Mirpuri explains, AI washing is deceptive marketing akin to greenwashing. Companies capitalize on the AI buzz and hype to mislead customers into thinking they offer “AI-powered” services, when in reality they are using openly available tools like ChatGPT or have minimal AI intellectual property.

The article outlines 5 key questions companies should ask potential AI software partners to avoid getting AI washed:

  1. Can they demo a real working AI solution?
  2. How does their solution work without AI capabilities?
  3. Can their AI be integrated into your internal cloud?
  4. Who trains and monitors the AI’s performance?
  5. Can the platform explain the reasoning behind its outputs?

With so much investment pouring into AI applications, companies must be diligent to separate the AI hype from actual robust AI solutions. Doing your due diligence is critical to avoid missed outcomes and wasted resources on overhyped, underdelivering “AI” products.

About the Author

Shaveer Mirpuri is cofounder and CEO of Insite AI, an AI and strategy partner for large consumer brands.

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Groceryshop | September 19-21, 2023 | Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas

Connect with Insite AI at Groceryshop and find out how our revolutionary approach can accelerate your top initiatives. Our team of AI and strategic consulting teams have walked in your shoes, giving them unparalleled insights into your industry-specific hurdles. Our Strategic Advisors are consumer brand and retail veterans from Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Mars, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Walmart, Target, 7-Eleven, Kroger, among dozens of others.

Let us guide you in tackling your organization’s distinct challenges head-on. Through our collaborative approach, we craft a tailored solution to elevate your product assortment, pricing strategies, trade promotions, and demand forecasting.

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We’re the only partner that lets you dial in multiple scenarios, and confidently predict how they would perform on a forward looking basis against multiple KPIs, with details down to the most granular level, regardless of complexity. Make confident decisions at either the big-picture strategic or tactical level involving commercial aspects such as assortment, pricing, trade, space, and planning. In one click, foresee the results of exactly what will happen in any given scenario. Our unique capabilities take in multiple conditions and assumptions; alternatively, decision makers can rely on us to leverage the technology on their behalf. Act with extreme certainty, speed, save significant time, and ensure your actions will achieve commercial results.

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Explainable assortment, space, pricing, and trade promotion decisions.

Harmonizing data and searching it for insights is old news, and few companies see value from it. We provide internal and external narratives that are defensible and truly differentiated. In one click, our capabilities explain and decompose the “why” on a forward-looking basis; and the data is presented in a powerful, immediately understandable manner. Incrementality, demand transference, price elasticities, cross elasticities, attributions, shifts, patterns, and factors affecting your existing or recommended actions are clearly articulated.

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EVP, Strategy Consulting

Former SVP of Merchandising at 7-Eleven, Brooke brings nearly 20 years of grocery and convenience retail experience to Insite AI. She understands what it takes to build valuable partnerships with retailers, and in her role as EVP of Strategy Consulting, she advises consumer brands on ways to elevate strategic business planning, achieve category leadership, and create optimal shopping experiences for their consumers.

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EVP, Strategy Consulting

Former leader at Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper Snapple, and Delhaize, Capri brings extensive strategic leadership experience from both retail and supplier roles in the consumer goods industry. She was recognized as a Senior-Level Top Woman in Convenience in 2022 and has also received recognition for her leadership in collaborative/joint business planning with top retailers across multiple channels and formats.

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Kristine Joji

EVP, Strategy Consulting

Kristine is a highly accomplished retail executive and former VP of Merchandising at Walmart.  Kristine led strategic initiatives that resulted in substantial revenue growth for the company across Grocery and prior to that Personal Care.  Widely recognized as a visionary leader, she played a pivotal role in optimizing Walmart’s merchandising with large CPGs.

Why Insite AI?

A Consultative Approach

Our team becomes an extension of your team. Our Strategic Advisors are consumer brand and retail veterans from PepsiCo, Mars, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Walmart, Target, 7-Eleven, Kroger, among dozens of others. Our top priority is ensuring you have the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals and maximize the value of your investment.

Most Mature, CPG-Proven Capabilities

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We deeply tailor our engagements and fully configure our solutions to meet the unique needs of your brand. Insite AI is a true innovation partner providing CPGs with fully customizable solutions built to solve their unique challenges, enabling them to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and outperform their competition.