Shopper AI

We can custom-build a solution just for you.

In a landscape where data platforms like Walmart Luminate are reshaping the industry, Shopper AI steps in to assist CPGs in extracting valuable shopper insights. By integrating seamlessly with Walmart Luminate and similar shopper focused data streams, Category Managers are presented with AI-powered recommended actions to take against granular product, category, and shopper scenarios, enabling strategy refinement for optimal effectiveness.

User-Defined Dashboards and Strategic Guidance:

Experience the power of customized dashboards and actionable alerts provided by Shopper AI. Our solution addresses critical questions, guiding your decision-making process:

  • Intelligent Alerting: Prioritize the most critical and highest impact opportunities amidst a sea of data.
  • Identify Growth Drivers: Pinpoint predicted shoppers propelling brand, product, and category growth to streamline your targeting efforts.
  • Understand Brand-Switching Dynamics: Uncover insights into customers switching brands, unraveling the ‘why’ behind their decisions.
  • Optimize New Product Performance: Anticipate the success of new items within specific customer segments to refine your product offerings.
  • Improve Competitive Promotion Effectiveness: Gain insights into how your promotions will attract shoppers away from competitors, enhancing your market share.

Our Approach

Our approach begins with seamless harmonization of shopper data, whether sourced from Walmart Luminate, syndicated platforms, or retailer Point of Sale (POS) systems. The AI-enabled solution meticulously sifts through data to articulate the ‘why’ and ‘how,’ recommending the precise actions needed for success. Elevate your decision-making with Shopper AI, ensuring strategic alignment and dynamic responsiveness in a rapidly evolving market.

Performance Forecasting by Shopper Segments

Explore trends and anticipate future shopper impacts across a vast array of key performance indicators (KPIs) with our innovative solution. Effortlessly filter through specific shopper segments, brands, or UPCs to decipher and understand future performance fluctuations to gain actionable insights. Identify the causes behind future trends and receive instant alerts, guiding you towards the precise actions needed for continuous improvement. Elevate your strategy with unparalleled visibility into the factors influencing targeted results.

Promotion Impact and Effectiveness by Shopper

Unleash the full potential of your promotions with our cutting-edge shopper-centric capabilities, enhanced by AI insights. Dive deep into the impact and effectiveness of your promotions with a sophisticated drill-down feature that categorizes shopper types for precise analysis.

When promotions are expected to fall short, our solution offers actionable insights and strategic guidance, ensuring you know exactly what steps to take to course-correct. Gain foresight into future outcomes with comprehensive views into forecasted results, empowering you to make data-driven decisions that resonate with your target audience. Elevate your promotional strategy with Shopper AI, where precision meets effectiveness for unparalleled success in a competitive landscape.

Future Shopping Patterns and Behaviors

Beyond traditional analytics, our solution leverages AI to deliver unparalleled insights into customer behavior. Delve deep into the dynamics of trial and repeat customers, unraveling the complexities of switching behaviors.

Whether it’s customers exploring your product or category for the first time, migrating from competitors, or existing shoppers expanding their purchases, our AI-powered solution deciphers these nuanced journeys and predicts upcoming trends. This capability not only unveils the intricacies of customer behaviors but also identifies opportunities for fostering loyalty and driving sustained growth.

Our Technology

Accelerate Business Performance, Grow Market Share, and Create Stronger Relationships with Your Retail Partners.