AI Washing: Top 5 Questions To Separate Substance From Hype

Interestingly, the AI washers tend not to be small technology companies but rather larger consultancies

A concerning trend is emerging: Some large companies are engaging in “AI washing” – promoting themselves as having powerful AI capabilities when they actually have little to no real AI software or knowhow.

As this Forbes Tech Council article, Insite AI CEO Shaveer Mirpuri explains, AI washing is deceptive marketing akin to greenwashing. Companies capitalize on the AI buzz and hype to mislead customers into thinking they offer “AI-powered” services, when in reality they are using openly available tools like ChatGPT or have minimal AI intellectual property.

The article outlines 5 key questions companies should ask potential AI software partners to avoid getting AI washed:

  1. Can they demo a real working AI solution?
  2. How does their solution work without AI capabilities?
  3. Can their AI be integrated into your internal cloud?
  4. Who trains and monitors the AI’s performance?
  5. Can the platform explain the reasoning behind its outputs?

With so much investment pouring into AI applications, companies must be diligent to separate the AI hype from actual robust AI solutions. Doing your due diligence is critical to avoid missed outcomes and wasted resources on overhyped, underdelivering “AI” products.

About the Author

Shaveer Mirpuri is cofounder and CEO of Insite AI, an AI and strategy partner for large consumer brands.

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As featured on Forbes

According to the IBM Global AI Adoption Index, the leading barrier to AI adoption is talent. More than a third of the IT executives surveyed said they are hindered by limited AI skill sets, which has led to an exponential increase in the outsourcing of AI talent.

In this Forbes Technology Council article, Shaveer Mirpuri, shares insight to help CPGs as they consider staff augmentation partners to accelerate AI initiatives.

About the author

Shaveer Mirpuri is cofounder and CEO of Insite AI, an AI and strategy partner for large consumer brands.