Connect at Groceryshop

Connect at Groceryshop

Accelerate Your Sales, Revenue Growth, and Category Management Initiatives

Groceryshop | September 19-21, 2023 | Mandalay Bay, Las Vegas

Connect with Insite AI at Groceryshop and find out how our revolutionary approach can accelerate your top initiatives. Our team of AI and strategic consulting teams have walked in your shoes, giving them unparalleled insights into your industry-specific hurdles. Our Strategic Advisors are consumer brand and retail veterans from Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Mars, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Walmart, Target, 7-Eleven, Kroger, among dozens of others.

Let us guide you in tackling your organization’s distinct challenges head-on. Through our collaborative approach, we craft a tailored solution to elevate your product assortment, pricing strategies, trade promotions, and demand forecasting.

Don’t miss this opportunity to expedite your success and lead your organization toward a more efficient and profitable future.

The Leading Partner for Large Consumer Brands

Know the precise impact of your decisions.

We’re the only partner that lets you dial in multiple scenarios, and confidently predict how they would perform on a forward looking basis against multiple KPIs, with details down to the most granular level, regardless of complexity. Make confident decisions at either the big-picture strategic or tactical level involving commercial aspects such as assortment, pricing, trade, space, and planning. In one click, foresee the results of exactly what will happen in any given scenario. Our unique capabilities take in multiple conditions and assumptions; alternatively, decision makers can rely on us to leverage the technology on their behalf. Act with extreme certainty, speed, save significant time, and ensure your actions will achieve commercial results.

Define your specific objectives, and receive new and creative ways to reach them.

Are you seeking to grow volume? Maximize prices? Grow shelf space? Improve trade effectiveness? Outperform a competitor? Rationalize spend? Our capabilities “goal seek” the exact new strategies or tactical outputs to achieve this, taking into account all of your business dynamics, beliefs, and nuances. Get multiple novel strategies that are truly implementable and actionable. Fuse your vision with our technological levers that incorporate an incredible number of factors. See the forward looking and granular articulation on the recommendation’s performance. This is something any large team of experts aren’t capable of.

Explainable assortment, space, pricing, and trade promotion decisions.

Harmonizing data and searching it for insights is old news, and few companies see value from it. We provide internal and external narratives that are defensible and truly differentiated. In one click, our capabilities explain and decompose the “why” on a forward-looking basis; and the data is presented in a powerful, immediately understandable manner. Incrementality, demand transference, price elasticities, cross elasticities, attributions, shifts, patterns, and factors affecting your existing or recommended actions are clearly articulated.

Connect at Groceryshop


Meet our Team:

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Brooke Hodierne

EVP, Strategy Consulting

Former SVP of Merchandising at 7-Eleven, Brooke brings nearly 20 years of grocery and convenience retail experience to Insite AI. She understands what it takes to build valuable partnerships with retailers, and in her role as EVP of Strategy Consulting, she advises consumer brands on ways to elevate strategic business planning, achieve category leadership, and create optimal shopping experiences for their consumers.

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Capri Brixey

EVP, Strategy Consulting

Former leader at Coca-Cola, Dr Pepper Snapple, and Delhaize, Capri brings extensive strategic leadership experience from both retail and supplier roles in the consumer goods industry. She was recognized as a Senior-Level Top Woman in Convenience in 2022 and has also received recognition for her leadership in collaborative/joint business planning with top retailers across multiple channels and formats.

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Kristine Joji

EVP, Strategy Consulting

Kristine is a highly accomplished retail executive and former VP of Merchandising at Walmart.  Kristine led strategic initiatives that resulted in substantial revenue growth for the company across Grocery and prior to that Personal Care.  Widely recognized as a visionary leader, she played a pivotal role in optimizing Walmart’s merchandising with large CPGs.

Why Insite AI?

A Consultative Approach

Our team becomes an extension of your team. Our Strategic Advisors are consumer brand and retail veterans from PepsiCo, Mars, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Walmart, Target, 7-Eleven, Kroger, among dozens of others. Our top priority is ensuring you have the guidance and support you need to achieve your goals and maximize the value of your investment.

Most Mature, CPG-Proven Capabilities

Everyone else starts from scratch, yet Insite AI has already invested over eight figures of capital and several years into building leading edge technology; creating unmatched advantages for tackling your top initiatives.

Deeply Tailored to Meet Your Goals

We deeply tailor our engagements and fully configure our solutions to meet the unique needs of your brand. Insite AI is a true innovation partner providing CPGs with fully customizable solutions built to solve their unique challenges, enabling them to adapt quickly to changing market conditions and outperform their competition.

CPG’s Guide to Walmart Luminate: Enhancing Results Through AI.

Are you getting the most out of your Walmart Luminate data? The platform offers a goldmine of shopper insights, but making the data actionable can be a challenge. That’s why we’ve created the CPG’s Guide to Walmart Luminate: Enhancing Results Through AI.

This comprehensive guide provides a deep dive into Walmart Luminate, exploring its unique benefits and how to apply predictive analytics to unlock its full potential.

In this guide:

  • The key differences between the Basic and Charter versions of Luminate.
  • How AI-powered solutions can harmonize Luminate data with other sources.
  • Real-world examples of how brands are using shopper insights to optimize strategies.

Download Guide


The CPG’s Guide to AI

Empowering Consumer Brands with Clear and Actionable AI Insights

Research confirms leading consumer brands who harness the value of consumer insights and artificial intelligence (AI) better predict the needs of their customers, improve category performance, accelerate growth, and outpace the competition.

72% of executives consider AI as a business advantage

But how can you get started? With data overload, an abundance of options and unclear direction, many companies opt to do nothing. This is no longer an option. You will be left behind. Armed with the right data, AI-driven CPG brands are working hand in hand with their retail partners to better meet consumer demand. By turning mounds of overwhelming data into actionable intelligence, these CPGs are scoring big with retailers and end consumers alike.

In this guide:

  • Demystifying AI
  • How consumer brands can leverage AI today.
  • Top 5 AI/ML Use Cases in CPG
  • Going beyond Power BI and advanced analytics
  • Making the case for AI in your organization
  • Top questions to ask for a fruitful AI journey

Harness the power of AI to ensure you have the right products on the right shelves at the right time. Download this guide to begin your AI journey toward becoming an AI-driven, category-leading consumer brand.

Download Guide


Be the Smartest CPG in the Room During Joint Business Planning (Featured on Consumer Goods Technology)

Guest article originally featured on Consumer Goods Technology. See full article.

Joint business planning is the lifeblood of a brand’s success at a retailer.  During these meetings, retailers are looking to CPGs to bring them deep insights and category stories.

Brands should come to retailers with truly powerful insights that more accurately predict how categories will perform in the future, assist retailer partners to make intelligent decisions and advance the outcomes of joint business planning meetings. Machine learning, AI and predictive analytics can help CPGs ultimately create advantage for themselves and the retailer.

About the Author: 
Brooke Hodierne currently serves as an EVP – strategy consulting at Insite AI, an AI and strategy partner for larger consumer brands. She joined the company following her time as SVP of merchandising for 7-Eleven. In the role, she drove category management teams that developed, implemented and communicated merchandising strategies for vault, packaged goods, tobacco and services.

Before joining 7-Eleven, Brooke held multiple positions at Giant Eagle, serving as VP of own brands, senior director of strategic sourcing and own brands, and director of prepared foods merchandising. She supported brand marketing at Del Monte Foods and held analytical roles with financial investment firms Wilshire Associates, Federated Investors and the Vanguard Group.

Critical Priorities for CPGs to Maximize Omnichannel and Ecommerce Opportunities

Online shopping has seen exponential growth in the past several years, and the COVID-19 pandemic has prompted even more shoppers to look to the safety of the web for their needs. Not only is that online behavior prominent now, but many studies have shown the majority of shoppers who are doing their business online plan to continue, leaving both the CPG and retail industries changed forever. According to Boston Consulting Group, product makers are facing a radically less familiar sales environment as more shoppers turn to ecommerce and even directly to brands. In order to succeed in this transformed landscape, CPGs must nurture emerging capabilities, as well as adopt new strategies and partnerships quickly and effectively.

This means a turning point for CPGs, fundamentally changing the way they reach consumers and maximize wallet share. For many years, the growth of ecommerce could almost be ignored, with reliance on physical retail holding strong. According to BCG analysis, ecommerce only accounted for about 3% of all food and beverage sales before COVID. A small volume by most standards. However, the pandemic accelerated ecommerce to represent as much as 15% of total retail food and beverage sales. Most interestingly, the BCG analysts predict that 70% of CPG sales growth through to 2022 will come from ecommerce. This opportunity will be won by the CPGs with the most agile and sophisticated omnichannel capabilities

Online shopping increased by 50% during the pandemic (Nielsen, 2020) and social commerce grew by 37.9% (eMarketer, 2020).

In addition, the 2021 Food and Health Survey from the International Food Information Council reported that 1 in 3 Americans are shopping for groceries online more often, and that the majority of them intend to continue these habits. 1 in 3 Americans are shopping for groceries online more often, and that the majority of them intend to continue these habits.

BCG analysis reveals that 40% of the recent growth in online grocery is from people trying it for the very first time. By 2022, ecommerce’s share of grocery is expected to be as much as 3 times higher than pre-pandemic levels.

So what can you do to capitalize on these opportunities?

  1. Accurate forecasting

    An overarching theme of shopping during the pandemic has been an insufficient available product inventory. Shoppers have experienced their standard, favorite, and even second-favorite products going out of stock – sometimes for months on end. This has led shoppers to trial and shift to alternative brands, and those which have been available when needed have often seen a permanent demand shift. Even during the most normal of times, a CPG’s critical capability is to accurately predict and respond to changes in demand, ensuring stock ends up exactly where the real-time need is, whether online or offline. These predictive analytics abilities allow more inventory to be allocated accordingly, whether it’s by geographic region or channel. Are you going to rely on retailer demand forecasts? Wouldn’t it be better to have these insights available in real time and with both accuracy and granularity?

  2. How do you adapt your marketing and assortments online?

    The levers for marketing and promotion are completely different when selling online vs. in store. Instead of allocating shelf facings and space with tactical deployment of in-store gondola ends, power aisles, and POS, you are dealing with digital shelves. CPGs need to deploy strong relationships with ecommerce shops to secure online visibility and placement. Additionally, a focus on which range of SKUs in each category are essential to meet demand is imperative. It’s not always possible for a full range to be stocked, so making quick decisions on the most profitable and in-demand lines can mean the difference between winning business or losing it to a competitor.

  3. Have a deep understanding of the online consumer

    Well executed consumer activation is reliant on an understanding of the shopper. How will they find you? When someone searches for your product, how and where will you appear in the search results? Are searches being conducted by brand name? Product name? Category? Will the shopper behave differently when they have instant access to consumer-generated content and reviews from other buyers? Winning in omnichannel is no simple or easy battle: balancing retail, DTC, ecommerce, marketplaces like Amazon, and delivery partners such as Instacart keep CPGs on their toes. The most valuable tool for managing these challenges will make sense of multi-channel data and make smart, go-to-market decisions using it in real time.The good news is that technology has risen to the challenge; platforms boosted by machine learning, artificial intelligence, and data science are enabling CPGs to optimize their operations in real time, making sense of the mind-boggling combination of supply, demand, marketing, promotion, assortment, pricing, and activation metrics.

It’s the brands who can make all these complex, go-to-market decisions faster and with more accuracy that stand to grow and earn the largest share of wallet.